Personal views, opinions, or just myself, writing pointless thoughts leading to my inevitable insanity.
Psycho Red's Articles
July 6, 2004 by Psycho Red
Another long night of insomnia... Eventually I will have to correct my sleeping schedule... I've noticed alot of different things in this blogging community and the greatest difference is the opinions of the bloggers here. It seems like these different opinions are leading to arguments within this community. I do not accuse everyone but I have noticed in several of the articles that I have read that are focused on a person or group of people, seem to be commenting their personal opin...
July 4, 2004 by Psycho Red
I just came home from a friends party, I know him from church and it was a graduation party for him. Even with the large number of minors there, including myself, we played several rounds of poker. One of my friends even left with about sixty dollars in his pocket. I really enjoyed myself. Anyways, I was wondering what the 4th of July was going to be like this year. It seems like things change so quickly as I get older. I wonder if one day my life will stop changing. I hope that it doesn'...
July 1, 2004 by Psycho Red
My dog was recently hit by a truck. Her right femur (spelling?) bone was shattered into several pieces. She had surgery where they used metal plates and wires to hold the bones together. Now we just have to hope that the bones succesfully grow back together. I ask you to please pray. Also, Im having women problems, yea bla bla, nobody really wants to hear it from me, but its the truth, and it definitely puts alot of stress on me and a heavy weight on my shoulders. I just wonder why relatio...
June 26, 2004 by Psycho Red
Interview With God This link leads to an extremely interesting movie. Its very spiritual and I suggest you to see it. Some cool icons I don't actually know the person that made these but they are awesome. Also make sure to visit my brother-in laws journal website,
June 26, 2004 by Psycho Red
I've had a lot a experience in the past couple of years. After being put on school probation from a private school, being expelled from a public school, and then attending an alternative program, i've barely been able to stand with my head held high. I don't know why God has hidden my future from my view, but it would so much easier if I could at least get a small glimpse of it. Even though i'm young, i've been using alot of my time enhancing certain skills to help me with my career. I've bee...